Friday, June 7, 2013

Carnal atmosphere (Tokyo II)

A walk around Tsukiji -market. Previous day saw a great exhibition of Francis Bacon in Tokyo's National museum of modern art. Its carnal atmosphere carried on to this space. The action was already over though, only a few market workers left behind to clean the mess. Like lumberjacks after chopping and stacking the timber, the men were taking a rest or washing and arranging the saws and knives for the next morning. The fish were somewhere far away by then, perhaps already in the sewers radically transformed. 

The biggest fish market in the world is a dark, wet and worn out labyrinth for the marine life to be processed and sold to the land of primates. "It's just a fish market" one might say and certainly the innards of a fish is not a new thing to me, heck, I've considered the fish eyes a delicacy since childhood, but the sheer size, demand and efficiency of this aquatic netherworld cut through the harmless idea like a meter long knife slicing tuna. I was impressed. It's hard work to keep the grocery store freezers filled with sashimi.

From hotel to the outer then inner Tsukiji on May 18th:

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