Monday, October 24, 2011

Tokyo station special: Kid's lunch!

Yesterday I returned to Kyoto, again. This is the third time I've come back here. I find myself returning here like it's my home town. The city is getting more familiar day by day.

Shinkansen is maybe the most painless way to travel. It just hums gently while landscapes fly by. Bought a bentou in a hurry from Tokyo station. It turned out be a Kid's lunch... finger length chop sticks included! I have to learn more Japanese.

There was a marathon in Karuizawa as I was leaving. Cheered some runners by running by them with my back pack. That moment had some beautiful symbolism. "Gotta keep running... Just like last summer when I went jogging. Just keep running."

Shinkansen at the Karuizawa station

Some city while going to Tokyo

Uh... ok.

Tokyo looks empty.

It'll all be just water under the bridge...

View from my hostel room window.

A little walk in Kyoto at night.

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